62. In the Company of Orcs
[Within Mordor, an orc dispatches orders.]
Orc: "To the gate, you slugs! Move out! To the gate!"
[Frodo and Sam look over the plains of Gorgoroth. Orcs hors blow as the army moves from their path.]
Sam: "Look, the Orcs! They're moving off. You see, Mister Frodo, some luck at last."
[Orcs march towards Frodo and Sam. The hobbits huddle behind a rock.]
Orc Captain: "Move it, you slugs!"
Orc Captain: "Come on! Faster! Come along you scum! I'll whip you down to the bone, you."
[Orcs begin to pass by the hobbits.]
Orc Captain: "Come on! What have I told you? Now move it!"
[The Orc Captain spies the hobbits.]
Orc Captain: "Get up! Come on, you slugs!"
[The captain whips the hobbits.]
Orc Captain: "You two are going straight to the front line! Now, move it! Go on! Fall in! Move it! Move it! Move it!"
[Frodo and Sam join the Orc column.]
Orc Captain: "To the Gates, you slugs! Now move it!"
[The sea of orcs head toward the Black Gate.]
Orc Captain: "Don't you know we're at war?"
[Aragorn leads the army of men towards the Black Gate.]
[Frodo and Sam continue shuffline along with the Orc army.]
Orc Captain: "Company Halt! Inspection!"
[The soldiers stop, but Frodo has trouble standing.]
Frodo: "Sam, help me!"
[Frodo falls but Sam catches him.]
Sam: "Mister Frodo!"
[A brutal-looking Orc sergeant with no nose looks around.]
Sam: "Stand up, Mister Frodo! Stand up!"
Frodo: "It's so heavy!"
[Sam sees the Ring's chain cutting into Frodo's neck.]
[No Nose turns toward Sam.]
Sam: "Oh no!"
[No Nose sees Sam and roars. He makes for the hobbits.]
Sam: "What do I do? What do we do?"
Frodo: "Hit me!"
Sam: "What?"
Frodo: "Hit me Sam! Start fighting!"
[Sam shoves Frodo away.]
Sam: "Get off of me!"
[Sam hits Frodo.]
Sam: "Nobody pushes me, you filthy maggot!"
[The Orcs circle the hobbits, shoving each other while watching them fight. No Nose is stopped by the crowd.]
Sam: "Get off of me!"
Orc Captain: "Break it up! Break it up."
No Nose: "Oy! I'll have your guts if you don't shut this rabble down!"
Frodo: "Go, Sam. Now!"
[Sam and Frodo sneak out of the Orc troop and into a tent. No Nose looks around for them, but gives up.]
No Nose: "Argh. Move along scum!"
Orc Captain: "Back in the line! You maggots! Back into the line, you slugs!"
[Frodo and Sam escape.]
Orc Captain: "Dig it, you slugs! Move it!"