6. Gollum's Villainy
[Frodo, Sam, and Gollum sleep.]
Gollum: "Too risky, Too risky. Thieves! They stole It from us. Kill them, kill them, kill them both!"
[Gollum wakes up with a scream. He creeps down to a pool of water.]
Gollum: "Shhh! Quiet! Mustn't wake them! Mustn't ruin it now!"
Smagol: "But they knows! They knows! They suspects us!"
[Smagol and Gollum, the latter shown in a pool's reflection, converse.]
Gollum: "What's it saying, my precious, my love? Is Smagol losing his nerve?"
Smagol: "No! Not! Never! Smagol hates nasty hobbitses! Smagol wants to see them… dead!"
Gollum: "And we will. Smagol did it once. He can do it again."
[A flashback of Smagol killing for the ring is shown.]
Smagol: "It's ours! Ours! We must get the Precious! We must get It back!"
Gollum: "Patience! Patience, my love. First we must lead them to her."
Smagol: "We lead them to the winding stairs."
Gollum: "Yes, the stairs. And then?"
Smagol: "Up, up, up, up the stairs we go. And then we come to the tunnel."
Gollum: "And when they go in, there's no coming out. She's always hungry. She always needs to feed."
Gollum: "She must eat. All she gets is filthy orcses."
Smagol: "And they doesn't taste very nice, does they, precious?"
[Sam awakes, but does not move.]
Gollum: "No, not very nice at all, my love. She hungers for sweeter meats. Hobbit meat. And when she throws away the bones and empty clothes, then we will find It!"
Smagol: "And take it for me!"
Gollum (scoldingly): "For us."
Smagol (afraid): "Yes, we meant, we meant for us."
Gollum: "Gollum! Gollum! The Precious will be ours once the hobbitses are dead."
[Gollum drops a pebble in the pool. As the ripples clear, Sam appears from behind Gollum.]
Sam: "You treacherous little thief!"
[Sam hits Gollum.]
Gollum: "Argh! No! Master!"
[Frodo, now awake, steps between the two.]
Frodo: "No, Sam! Leave him alone!"
Sam: "I heard it from his own mouth! He means to murder us!"
Gollum: "Never! Smagol wouldn't hurt a fly! He's a hobbit, fat hobbit who hates Smagol and who makes up nasty lies!"
[Gollum hides behind Frodo, who protects him.]
Sam: "You miserable little maggot! I'll stave your head in!"
Frodo: "Sam!"
Sam: "Called me a liar! You're a liar!"
Gollum: "Ah!"
Frodo: "We scare him off, we're lost!"
Sam: "I don't care! I can't do it, Mister Frodo! I won't wait around for him to kill us!"
Frodo: "I'm not sending him away!"
Sam: "You don't see it, do you? He's a villain."
Frodo: "We can't do this by ourselves, Sam. Not without a guide. I need you on my side."
Sam: "I am on your side, Mister Frodo."
Frodo: "I know, Sam. I know. Trust me. Come, Smagol."
[Gollum, hand in hand with Frodo, grins back at Sam.]