Lord of the Rings Online is in open beta. At release, the game implements only the first 1/6 of the story. Here is what to expect in the expansions:
The Forming of the Fellowship
Gandalf: 'o.k. merry, pippin, sam. you're going to have to stay in rivendell.'
Pippin: why?
Gandalf: 'we can only fit 6 people in our fellowship and we’re going to need a well rounded group’
Gandalf: 'we'd create a raid, you know, but then none of us would get any xp when we destroy the ring'
Pippin: ok
[LookingForFellowship] Sam: '3 hobbits LFF'
Aragorn: 'shit’
Aragorn: ‘the wizard died. can anybody rez?'
Gandalf: 'its cool.'
Gandalf: 'you guys go ahead.'
Gandalf: 'i'll rez and meet up with you in fangorn. brb'
The Breaking of the Fellowship
Aragorn: 'whoa’
Aragorn: ‘that was close’
Aragorn: ‘soloed like 10 uruks’
Legolas: 'wait. where's frodo?'
Frodo has left the Fellowship.
Gimli: 'FUCK!'
Aragorn: 'son of a bitch!'
Aragorn: 'i hate it when people leave in the middle of a fucking quest!'
Legolas: 'frodo had the ring. were going to have to go back and start the quest all over again'
Aragorn [to Frodo]: 'WTF man?'
Legolas: 'did boramir leave too?'
Gimli: 'FUCK!'
Aragorn: 'no i think he died’
Gandalf Retuns
Aragorn: 'wb gand. got a new title huh? gandalf the white'
Gandalf: 'yeah. sorry it took me so long to get here. like my new white robe?'
Gimli: 'no prob. we like waiting, asshole'
Gandalf: 'and i trained new spells. where's frodo?'
Legolas: 'he left'
Gandalf: 'that sucks. oh, well. wanna go do helms deep?'
Legolas: 'isnt that on the other side of the zone? my mom says i have to get off in an hour'
Gandalf: 'its cool. i stopped and bought a new mount too.'
Gimli: 'i fucking hate you.'
Frodo and Sam Encounter Gollum
Gollum: 'give us the ring. my precious.... my precious...'
Frodo: 'you are annoying. stop following us or we'll report you to a GM'
Gollum: 'what precious is a jee um? is that like an orcses? we hate orcses? give us the ring...we wants it."
Sam: 'crap. he's one of those.'
Frodo: 'roleplayer'
Gollum: 'playing roles? who, precious, is playing roles? *gollum* *gollum*'
Frodo: 'look. if you cut out the gay shit we'll invite you into our fellowship'
Gollum: 'gollum is not gay. gollum is not merry. gollum is very angry because WE WANT OUR PRECIOUS!'
Sam: 'reported'
Frodo and Sam Destroy the Ring of Power
Sam: 'alright we're here. destroy it'
Frodo: 'how do you destroy an item again?'
Sam: 'press i'
Frodo: 'ok'
Sam: 'click the ring and then drag it out of the window'
Frodo: 'its not working'
Sam: 'r u right clicking or left clicking'
Frodo: 'right'
Sam: 'click means left click'
Frodo: 'you just said click'
Sam: 'everybody knows when you say click you mean l-click'
Sam: 'if you mean r-click you say right click'
Frodo: 'still not working'
Sam: 'r u dragging it?'
Frodo: 'it wont drag'
Sam: 'r u clicking it?'
Frodo: 'yes. i'm fucking clicking it. it won't drag'
Sam: 'double click or single?'
Frodo: 'nvm. got it.'
Sam: 'woohoo. ding'
Frodo: 'gratz'
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