29. Marshalling at Dunharrow
[Thoden and Aragorn ride through the encampment at Dunharrow, surveying Rohan's army.]
Thoden: "Grimbold, how many?"
Grimbold: "I bring five hundred men from the Westfold, my Lord."
Gamling: "We have three hundred more from Fenmarch."
Thoden: "Where are the riders from Snowbourn?"
Gamling: "None have come, my Lord."
[From a small, high encampment, Thoden surveys his army.]
Thoden: "Six thousand spears. Less than half of what I'd hoped for."
Aragorn: "Six thousand will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor."
Thoden: "More will come."
Aragorn: "Every hour lost hastens Gondor's defeat. We have till dawn. Then we must ride."
[Thoden nods. A horse rears.]
Legolas: "The horses are restless, and the men are quiet."
omer: "They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain."
Gimli: "That road there, where does that lead?"
Legolas: "It is the road to the Dimholt; the door under the the mountain."
omer: "None who venture there ever return. That mountain is evil."
[Aragorn looks down the path and sees a shadowy profile.]
Gimli: "Aragorn, let's find some food."
[At night, inside a tent, owyn helps Merry dress for battle.]
owyn: "There. A true esquire of Rohan."
Merry: "I'm ready!"
[Merry draws his sword. owyn leans back, startled but amused.]
Merry: "Sorry. It isn't all that dangerous. It's not even sharp."
owyn: "Well that's no good. You won't kill many orcs with a blunt blade. Come on! To the smithy, go!"
[Merry exits the tent, taking practice swings. owyn follows, laughing. omer and Gamling sit nearby, eating.]
omer: "You should not encourage him."
owyn: "You should not doubt him."
omer: "I do not doubt his heart, just the reach of his arm."
[Gamling chuckles.]
owyn: "Why should Merry be left behind? He has as much cause go to war as you! Why can he not fight for those he loves?"
[omer stands to face his sister.]
omer: "You know as little of war as that Hobbit. When the fear takes him, and the blood and the screams and the horror of battle take hold, do you think he would stand and fight?"
omer: "He would flee, and he would be right to do so. War is the province of men, owyn."