34. The Wolves of Isengard
[Hma and Gamling ride to the front of the column. Legolas stands a small distance away, scanning the surroundings.]
Gamling: "What is it? Hma?"
[Their horses are restless.]
Hma: "I'm not sure."
[A warg scout appears above them and charges towards them.]
[The warg attacks Hma, killing him.]
[Gamling fights with the scout. Legolas shoots the warg with his bow.]
[Legolas kills the scout, but not before he yells out.]
Legolas: "A scout!"
Thoden: "What is it? What do you see?"
Aragorn: "Wargs! We are under attack!"
[The villagers panic.]
Thoden: "All riders to the head of the column!"
Gimli: "C'mon get me up here, I'm a fighter. Argh!"
[Legolas spots the warg pack running towards them.]
Thoden: "You must lead the people to Helm's Deep and make haste."
Èowyn: "I can fight!"
Thoden: "No! You must do this — for me."
Thoden: "Follow me! Argh!"
Gimli: "Forward, forward, march forward."
Èowyn: "Make for the lower ground. Stick together!"
[Aragorn and Èowyn exchange looks. Aragorn sets off to battle.]
[Legolas stands alone, shooting at the wargs and their riders. The column of riders appears behind him.]
[When Gimli's horse is near, Legolas swings himself up on the horse's back.]
[Wargs and Rohirrim run towards each other, swords drawn.]
[The warg riders and the Rohirrim crash at full speed. They fight.]
[Many wargs and their riders are killed. Gimli falls of the horse and a riderless warg heads towards him.]
Gimli: "Bring your pretty face to my axe!"
[Legolas shoots the warg as it attacks, before Gimli has the chance to kill it himself.]
Gimli: "Argh! That one counts as mine!"
[A dead warg lands on Gimli.]
Gimli: "Argh! Stinking creature. Argh!"
[A rider appears over the dead warg.]
[Gimli snaps the Orc's neck. Gimli tries to lift the creatures, but another warg crawls into view, growling.]
[Aragorn throws a spear at the warg, killing it. The dead warg lands on Gimli.]
[Thoden and Aragorn kill wargs and riders.]
[A warg jumps on Aragorn, who falls of his horse. He jumps on to a warg and fights with its rider. Aragorn is hit by the orc and falls to the side.]
[His hand is caught in the harness of the warg, and he gets dragged along. He fights with the orc, throwing him off. The warg runs off a cliff, Aragorn falling with it.]
[As the fighting dissipates, Legolas and Gimli look for Aragorn.]
Legolas: "Aragorn!"
Gimli: "Aragorn?"
[Gimli spots a dying orc on the ground, laughing. He bends down and points his axe at it.]
Gimli: "Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing!"
Orc: "He's… (cough)… dead. (Laughs). He took a little tumble off the cliff."
[Legolas grabs the orc.]
Legolas: "You lie!"
[The orc laughs, blood bubbling in his mouth. He falls back dead. Legolas stands up but sees the Evenstar in the orc's hand.]
[Legolas and Gimli approach the cliff and look down into the river below. Thoden approaches behind them.]
Thoden: "Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard will return."
Thoden: "Leave the dead."
Thoden: "Come."