53. Victory at Minas Tirith
[Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli fight alongside the ghosts against the orcs.]
Legolas: "Fifteen, sixteen."
Legolas: "Seventeen."
Gimli: "Twenty-nine."
[As Aragorn's party fight towards the city, a wounded Éowyn crawls away from a snarling Gothmog.]
Éowyn: "Merry!"
[Aragorn and Gimli approach Éowyn. Gothmog raises his mace to strike her.]
[Éowyn reaches for a sword, but it slips from her grasp.]
[Just before Gothmog strikes, Gimli and Aragorn cut him down.]
Aragorn: "Legolas!"
[Legolas turns to see a Mûmakil running towards him.]
[He leaps on it, and climbs towards the the top, shooting off enemies as he goes.]
Legolas: "Thirty-three, thirty-four."
[Legolas cuts the saddle rope. The platform slides off the Mûmakil.]
[Legolas walks to the head of the creature and shoots into it's skull.]
[As the slain beast falls, Legolas gracefully slides off its trunk. He lands softly on the ground, with a smirk, right in front of Gimli.]
Gimli: "It still only counts as one!"
[The dead army begins to swarm through and up the city, destroying the orcs.]