63. The Land of Shadow
[Frodo and Sam walk slowly across Mordor in their Orc armor.]
[Frodo falls and lays panting.]
Frodo: "I can't… I can't manage the Ring, Sam. It's… it's… it's such a weight to carry. It… such a weight."
[Sam points toward Mount Doom.]
Sam: "We're going that way. Straight as we can. There's no point in carrying anything we're not sure to need."
[The hobbits throw their Orc armor into a fissure. Sam throws down his pans.]
[Sam and Frodo are resting at night. Sam sees a glimmer of stars in the night sky.]
Sam: "Mister Frodo, look! There is light, and beauty up there, that no Shadow can touch."
[Frodo, unconscious, doesn't respond.]
[Aragorn's company comes within sight of the Black Gate.]
[The hobbits have stopped to rest. Frodo tries to drink some water, but there is none left in his water bottle.]
[Sam hands his canteen to Frodo.]
Sam: "Take mine, there's a few drops left."
[Frodo empties the last supply of water.]
Frodo: "There'll be none left for the return journey."
Sam: "I don't think there will be a return journey, Mister Frodo."
[Aragorn's troops reach the Black Gate, unopposed.]
[The hobbits stagger across the plains.]
[The Eye of Sauron scans the area, looking towards the vicinity of the hobbits.]
Sam: "Frodo! Get down! Hide!"
[As Frodo falls to the ground, hidden from view, the Eye searches their location.]
Sam: "Frodo!"